Saturday, February 27, 2016

ref week 2-29

All, this is the last week I will do any scheduling of timekeepers.  Alan will now be working with the  timekeepers so send me your availability as a referee only.
Please look carefully.  Several openings this week.
Tuesday evening timekeeping
Sunday afternoon timekeeping
Let me know if you can help out.   Also, several people are doubled up so if you can't make the doubles let me know ASAP as I didn't have another resource that worked at that time slot.
Thank you all for your hard work through youth.  It has been another long season and a lot of shifts.
I appreciate each one of you

Saturday, February 20, 2016

ref week 2-22

As you all have seen, we are up in team registrations this coming session.  While we know the office staff and Allen are doing great things to get that done I also think the officiating is part of this uptick.  Great job to all.  As we continue to strive for our best possible performance maybe people are noticing. 
Keep up the good work ALL.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

ref week 2-15

 Tons of shifts this week.  We are testing out adult 3 vs 3 ALL WEEK so look VERY CAREFULLY at the schedule.

We are getting closer to the end of youth and fewer shifts but enjoy the bounty for now.  some quick notes on 3 v 3.

You have to be on the offensive side of the field to score.  You cannot touch the ball in the box on offense or defense.  If you do and you are on offense it is no goal and if you are on defense it counts as a goal for the opposing team. You can score on kickoff.

We only keep track of the goals not who scores.  Games are 20 minute halves and 1 minute half time just like the big field. 
Last thing...Dress Code
Please wear Ref Shirt, Shorts, long black socks and black shoes.
Thank you!! 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Ref week 2-8

  Safe Players = Happy Players = Happy Reffing
Thanks for all of your hard work every one of you put in to the facility. 
It is difficult working with the public at times.
We have been doing a good job of keeping our cool with the customer, lets continue.