Saturday, March 26, 2016

ref week 3-28

 Thanks for all of your hard work.  Please keep in mind when I schedule the ref I am also looking at the games that will need to be reffed so when you need to swap shifts please talk to Kim or I to make sure we have a qualified ref.  Most of the time it doesn't really matter but there are definitely some games better to be reffed by more experienced referees.

Thank you very much.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ref week 3-7

Reminder, I am only scheduling refs now so that is why there are no timekeeper shifts on the schedule.
Lets work on our interactions with the players while reffing.  It is ok to joke around and talk with the players...but try to do it with both teams or not at all as you don't want a team to feel you are only friendly with one side.
Lets also do our bet to communicate with players when they ask a question...I know it is difficult at times but do your best.
Thank you for all you do!