Saturday, November 21, 2015

Thanksgiving Week Schedule

Safe Players = Happy Players = Happy Reffing!!!!
Don't be afraid to go the extra mile!
Housekeeping...Don't forget, black shocks and dark colored shoes.  I believe if we are reffing and not wearing those we will be asked to go home for the night.
Also, please do not use your phone during a sends a VERY  poor message to players.
Here we GO!!!  The first of many more VERY BUSY weeks to come.  I believe I nailed everyone's availability.
Donald is back in town, Zeek is back in town and Maggie is available at times to assist so you will see some new names on the schedule.
Please work with me or other officials if I blew it and scheduled you incorrectly.  You would not believe how long it takes to try and get this straight.
I do my best to get you the amount of games you request of you do.
I appreciate ALL of you.  This is a good group of people to work with so lets keep working hard to put a our best foot forward. 

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