Saturday, December 26, 2015

ref week 12-28

A few start times that are not as usual so please look closely
Not certain on mini field games to it is scheduled just in case. 
Thank you all, may you be blessed during the Holidays!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

ref week for Christmas 2015

Safe players = happy players = happy reffing
Next week there are no games Thursday or Friday.  As of now, Sunday starts at 655 and ends at 10:40 so those with 6:10 shift and last shift Sunday please check schedule before going to shift
Currently there are NO mini filed games listed but I do have referees designated in case that changes.
Hand Balls.  If your arm is by your side and someone kicks the ball into you arm, it is in a natural position and the ball bounces forward into your you call a hand ball?
I was trained that this is not a hand ball.
Lets discuss next ref meeting.
By the way, we haven't had a ref meeting with the Holidays so I would like to get another one in the works for January.  Start thinking about that and things you might like clarification on.
Hoping maybe the second or third weekend, I have to work out the details as a ref and timekeeper will miss since we run all day.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

ref week 12-14

Safe Players = Happy Players = Happy Reffing
News and notes.
Please DO NOT US MY WHISTLE!  That is gross.  I will not use your equipment so do not use mine.  Thank You!
Carlos is not working with us any more.
If you have any issue with the headsets let me know now, these are a requirement and will be used and will be on channel 3.
Next week we have 2 full weeks of soccer.  Please remember when sending availability there will be games all day every day for 2 weeks.
Thank you for your hard work

Saturday, December 5, 2015

ref week 12-7

Safe Players = Happy Players =Happy Reffing
Thank you all for your hard work.