Saturday, December 19, 2015

ref week for Christmas 2015

Safe players = happy players = happy reffing
Next week there are no games Thursday or Friday.  As of now, Sunday starts at 655 and ends at 10:40 so those with 6:10 shift and last shift Sunday please check schedule before going to shift
Currently there are NO mini filed games listed but I do have referees designated in case that changes.
Hand Balls.  If your arm is by your side and someone kicks the ball into you arm, it is in a natural position and the ball bounces forward into your you call a hand ball?
I was trained that this is not a hand ball.
Lets discuss next ref meeting.
By the way, we haven't had a ref meeting with the Holidays so I would like to get another one in the works for January.  Start thinking about that and things you might like clarification on.
Hoping maybe the second or third weekend, I have to work out the details as a ref and timekeeper will miss since we run all day.

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