Saturday, July 23, 2016

ref week 7-25

Just a heads up, Jim and Billy are out of town this week. 
Please let us know ASAP if you can't cover something on this schedule.
Thanks all for working so hard at making a difference.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

ref week 7-17

REF MEETING Saturday 10 am. 
Ref meeting 10 am
ok, you get the point.
Keep working hard everyone! 

Saturday, July 9, 2016


Ref Week 7-11

Just a quick reminder, there will be a ref meeting in a couple of weeks.  10 am, last Saturday of the month.

Also, when you play at the facility and you work in the office or as an official, ALL other players are watching how you react to tough calls or difficult situations...even tightly contested games.

Please keep that in mind.

Have a great week and thank you for all you do to make Lets Play a quality facility!


Saturday, July 2, 2016

ref 7-4

Ref week 7-4

If you are also a time keeper please remember to clean off the benches in between games.

Thank you for ALL you do!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016

ref week 6-20

Ref meeting next week 10 am on Saturday

Please keep up the good work.  Continue working on Goalkeeper safety.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

ref week 6-13

Ref week 6-13

Ref Meeting 10 am June 25th

Thank you for all you do!  Keep up the good work.

No Major Complaints at this time. 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

ref week 6-6

Ref week 6-6

Fewer Games means Fewer Shift.  Don't take the scheduling personal.  Trying to accommodate all the needs and desires with the amount of shifts requested.

PLEASE CHECK THE DAILY SCHEDULE in case games are added.  If two or more games are added you can work with the Referee that same day to split if possible and if 3 or more are added I will ask around for the 3 game shift.

Please work on GOAL KEEPER SAFETY!

We are seeing more contact with Goalies than we desire so it would be great to focus on that.

Thank you all!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

ref week 5-31

We will be conducting 1 ref meeting per month starting in June.  We expect you to make at least every other ref meeting. 
Next meeting will be June 25th.

Time to be decided but will post ASAP.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

ref week 5-23

                    Ref Week 5-23

Several of you did not give me any availability.  I gave you a couple of shifts to be nice and in case you forgot but this is the last week I give anyone shifts if you do not let me know availability.

Please get me availability by Friday evening, ANY TIME FRIDAY, or Saturday early morning at the latest.

IF you cannot make your shifts please contact Kim and/or I so we can figure out who deserves the shift out of those available.

Thank you.  Happy Reffing!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

ref 5-16

Ref Schedule for 5-16

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ref week 5-9

Ref meeting May 14th at 2:30
Ref meeting May 14th at 2:30
Sorry for the picture.  Laptop is only working when docked with dual screens.  Will be fixed by next week.

Saturday, April 30, 2016


Ref Meeting May 14th

Start time will be 2:30 May 14th. 

Ref Meeting May 14th

Start time 2:30 PM

Happy Reffing!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

ref 4-25

Ref week 4-25

Not all days are completed.  Please check schedules carefully Thursday-Sunday.  Check often as the schedule is not on line yet.

It is our responsibility as referees to check the schedule for changes.  The office staff may or may not let us know of any changes that may take place.

If you do not send me availability you will not get shifts.  Please send in availability by late Friday night or early Saturday mornings.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

ref week 4-18

Well, an Interesting week for sure.  At least 3 RED cards this week...I gave two and I know Jim gave one.  Jim's was more exciting with punches and all. 

I don't think anything could have been done differently to be honest on any of them.  I tried really hard to go 3 blues versus a straight red for being mouthy...didn't work.  Jim's game exploded kind of out of nowhere in the last minute.

With that in mind, we need to make sure we have good communication going on between Ref and AR.  It is never easy to see everything but do your best to get all of the situations correct with carding individuals.

Thanks for all you do.  We do work hard to put a good product on the field and we need to strive to do our best every time we step on the field.

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Following up on the Facebook Post earlier in the week.

We will be getting another ref meeting set up soon.  Be looking out for it in the next few weeks.

As the referee, OWN the field.  You set the tone.
IF your not certain about something...blow the whistle, stop play, call a timeout and talk to AR.
That means the AR must be paying attention as well.

IF you see players all go down and not sure who to call a foul on, have the offense play t he ball back to the defense...don't call a foul.
Tell players you were checking on the safety and no foul is being called.

Generally speaking we are doing a good job but we can step it up and need to step it up as competition opens soon. 

Happy Reffing!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

ref week 4-4-14


Please keep working to do your best and remain unbiased. 
I have heard some players indicate they feel some referees are biased
against them.  Please do your best to give off a different
Perception is 90% of reality.

Timekeepers, please continue to pay attention and track play. 

I you are drifting in and out of the game it is hard to be there when the referee needs you.


Saturday, March 26, 2016

ref week 3-28

 Thanks for all of your hard work.  Please keep in mind when I schedule the ref I am also looking at the games that will need to be reffed so when you need to swap shifts please talk to Kim or I to make sure we have a qualified ref.  Most of the time it doesn't really matter but there are definitely some games better to be reffed by more experienced referees.

Thank you very much.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ref week 3-7

Reminder, I am only scheduling refs now so that is why there are no timekeeper shifts on the schedule.
Lets work on our interactions with the players while reffing.  It is ok to joke around and talk with the players...but try to do it with both teams or not at all as you don't want a team to feel you are only friendly with one side.
Lets also do our bet to communicate with players when they ask a question...I know it is difficult at times but do your best.
Thank you for all you do!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

ref week 2-29

All, this is the last week I will do any scheduling of timekeepers.  Alan will now be working with the  timekeepers so send me your availability as a referee only.
Please look carefully.  Several openings this week.
Tuesday evening timekeeping
Sunday afternoon timekeeping
Let me know if you can help out.   Also, several people are doubled up so if you can't make the doubles let me know ASAP as I didn't have another resource that worked at that time slot.
Thank you all for your hard work through youth.  It has been another long season and a lot of shifts.
I appreciate each one of you

Saturday, February 20, 2016

ref week 2-22

As you all have seen, we are up in team registrations this coming session.  While we know the office staff and Allen are doing great things to get that done I also think the officiating is part of this uptick.  Great job to all.  As we continue to strive for our best possible performance maybe people are noticing. 
Keep up the good work ALL.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

ref week 2-15

 Tons of shifts this week.  We are testing out adult 3 vs 3 ALL WEEK so look VERY CAREFULLY at the schedule.

We are getting closer to the end of youth and fewer shifts but enjoy the bounty for now.  some quick notes on 3 v 3.

You have to be on the offensive side of the field to score.  You cannot touch the ball in the box on offense or defense.  If you do and you are on offense it is no goal and if you are on defense it counts as a goal for the opposing team. You can score on kickoff.

We only keep track of the goals not who scores.  Games are 20 minute halves and 1 minute half time just like the big field. 
Last thing...Dress Code
Please wear Ref Shirt, Shorts, long black socks and black shoes.
Thank you!! 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Ref week 2-8

  Safe Players = Happy Players = Happy Reffing
Thanks for all of your hard work every one of you put in to the facility. 
It is difficult working with the public at times.
We have been doing a good job of keeping our cool with the customer, lets continue.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


I can still love my team!!!
Good Luck Broncos
On a more serious note...
We have had a rash of complaints over customers feeling like timekeepers are HIGH when they are working....and I don't mean that in the way that they are not making calls.
What you do in your personal time is your business and your business alone...don't want to know anything about it but when you walk in to Let's Play you are representing Lets Play and you need to uphold a certain professionalism.  If you feel you cannot do this please tell me to take you off of the schedule.
This CANNOT be how our staff is viewed PERIOD!
Again, we do not care what you do in your personal time....but on the clock is another issue.
Open ref shift Saturday night...9:10 for 4 games.
Please send availability...if you do not I will assume you do not want to work or I will schedule you and you will have to find a replacement if you cant make it...


Saturday, January 23, 2016

ref week 1-25

Safe Players = Happy Players = Happy Reffing
Please have all of your stuff out at the field if you need to change in between games etc...
Overall we are still putting out a higher quality product than in the past so keep it up.
Have confidence in yourself.  We are the rulebook experts not the customers but be tactful.
Feel free to talk to the Adults while you are reffing and explain some situational calls if needed, remember, game management is as important as calling by the law of the rulebook.