Saturday, December 26, 2015

ref week 12-28

A few start times that are not as usual so please look closely
Not certain on mini field games to it is scheduled just in case. 
Thank you all, may you be blessed during the Holidays!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

ref week for Christmas 2015

Safe players = happy players = happy reffing
Next week there are no games Thursday or Friday.  As of now, Sunday starts at 655 and ends at 10:40 so those with 6:10 shift and last shift Sunday please check schedule before going to shift
Currently there are NO mini filed games listed but I do have referees designated in case that changes.
Hand Balls.  If your arm is by your side and someone kicks the ball into you arm, it is in a natural position and the ball bounces forward into your you call a hand ball?
I was trained that this is not a hand ball.
Lets discuss next ref meeting.
By the way, we haven't had a ref meeting with the Holidays so I would like to get another one in the works for January.  Start thinking about that and things you might like clarification on.
Hoping maybe the second or third weekend, I have to work out the details as a ref and timekeeper will miss since we run all day.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

ref week 12-14

Safe Players = Happy Players = Happy Reffing
News and notes.
Please DO NOT US MY WHISTLE!  That is gross.  I will not use your equipment so do not use mine.  Thank You!
Carlos is not working with us any more.
If you have any issue with the headsets let me know now, these are a requirement and will be used and will be on channel 3.
Next week we have 2 full weeks of soccer.  Please remember when sending availability there will be games all day every day for 2 weeks.
Thank you for your hard work

Saturday, December 5, 2015

ref week 12-7

Safe Players = Happy Players =Happy Reffing
Thank you all for your hard work. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

ref week 11-30

Safe Players=Happy Players=Happy Ref
First, Thank you ALL for your hard last week.  We had a successful week.
If you referee the min field...please remember to encourage no play in the box and don't touch the ball in the box.  Right now it is U8 only so that means there are players as young as 6 playing so remember that when trying to get the box rule established.  Use your best judgment.  If a team is winning easily, be a little more lenient...stop the game, explain quickly and offer a free kick...
We have a lot of staff available to ref.  Keep in mind seniority will get more shifts...but I will also be looking at quality of officiating.
Generally speaking we are all doing well.  Very few complaints.
If I do not get your availability then I can't schedule you. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Thanksgiving Week Schedule

Safe Players = Happy Players = Happy Reffing!!!!
Don't be afraid to go the extra mile!
Housekeeping...Don't forget, black shocks and dark colored shoes.  I believe if we are reffing and not wearing those we will be asked to go home for the night.
Also, please do not use your phone during a sends a VERY  poor message to players.
Here we GO!!!  The first of many more VERY BUSY weeks to come.  I believe I nailed everyone's availability.
Donald is back in town, Zeek is back in town and Maggie is available at times to assist so you will see some new names on the schedule.
Please work with me or other officials if I blew it and scheduled you incorrectly.  You would not believe how long it takes to try and get this straight.
I do my best to get you the amount of games you request of you do.
I appreciate ALL of you.  This is a good group of people to work with so lets keep working hard to put a our best foot forward. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

ref week 11-16

 Safe Players=Happy Players-Happy Reffing
Before I forget, when you send your availability you can also tell me how many shifts you would ideally like for the week if you are looking for a certain number in a given week.  You don't have to do that but you can if you have a specific need for a week.  I will always do the best I can to get you the shifts you want.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

ref week 11-9

Safe Players=Happy Players=Happy Reffing
Well, here we go.  Youth is in in full swing and I am at Wits end trying to get everything scheduled.  I forgot how long it takes to get this together with so many games.
We have new refeees and AR's so I have added the list of names with phone numbers. 
I think I got everyone on schedules they can work.  If not I apologize.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

ref week 11-2

Safe Players=Happy Players=Happy Reffing
Let the YOUTH begin.
As you can see we have youth starting during the week.  Expect youth next weekend so in your availability remember games during the week will start at 3:10 or 3:55 and on weekends as early as 6:10 am.
Relative few complaints this week.  Thank you for that. 
Communication is the biggest complaint I am getting and while it is not possible to have a 30 second discussion during a game maybe a few quick words or find a player at a break to quickly talk.
Thank you for all you do!!!
Open Assistant Referee shift Wednesday early. First Come gets it.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Safe Players=Happy Players=Happy Reffing
Open ref shift Saturday night...I may be able to do the last 2 but my 9 year old is trick or treating for the first time ever so I need to be part of it.
Thanks everyone...Youth starts soon so get geared up!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

ref week 10-19

Safe Players=Happy Players=Happy Reffing!
Ref Meeting Saturday the 24th at 4:30 at Lets Play
Quick reminders
Referees, if unsure please look for assistance from AR...stop clock if you have to.  Error on the side of calling too many fouls if that is possible.
Assistant Referees, please pay attention to the game in front of you not the one behind you.  If you feel there is a foul please raise your arm for several seconds...I know as a ref I sometimes look over after a potential foul several seconds later if I really need to track what is happening,
Please do what you can to make the referee meeting.  This is not the last one we will have as I would like to be able to meet and greet every 30-60 days.
Thank you all!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

ref week 10-12

Lets Talk Safety. 
 Safety is the key to happy players and happy reffing. 
I need a preferred email address for each referee and timekeeper.  There is a new set of training courses each official will be required to complete to continue to officiate at Lets Play.  I have taken the quizzes and they are mostly practical quizzes that go hand in hand with the ref test, which you take at the end of the slides. 
There is also a concussion protocol course we all take. 
I would like to have a ref meeting on the 24th of this month a Saturday...hopefully before first game.  I know it is a Saturday mid day but I would really like to see everyone in attendance as well as office staff.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

ref week 10-5

A lot to cover this week.  As I am sure you are all aware Steve has retired from Lets Play so we are currently looking fro a new manager. 

I have been asked to become the ref coordinator which is not a lot different for you all but I get some added responsibility.  We will work on having a monthly ref meeting to meet and talk about teams, players, consistency in our calls etc...I do not look to make this a long drawn out meeting but a time to come together and make us all better as an AR or referee.
I will now review all red cards and work with the Manager on suspensions so feel free to let me know about red cards handed out if you wish.  I will have access to the reports and video as needed.

I would like to see everyone dress appropriately.  Black or darker colored shoes, long black socks, black shorts and the referee shirt.  I understand you may forget something here and there which is ok, I do it too.  But if you consistently are not dressed appropriately we will have to discuss. 

We will keep everything else in tact that we are used to like as a referee when playing we should be showing the utmost respect to the officials and other players (as best you can)...we can discuss this at our first meeting.

A little homework for all.  I would like to have a meeting this month with the most attendance possible so likely 5 or so during the week or before first game on a weekend.  If you can think about what works best for you and let me know if weekdays or weekends work better that would be great.

Keep in mind one of our biggest reasons we are there is to keep players is to ref a fair game.  But safety has to number too many fouls.  I want to see a referee complaint that you called too many fouls .

4 game timekeeper needed Sunday night

Saturday, September 26, 2015

ref 9-28

Thanks for the hard work.  Please use your whistle to set a tone in a confrontation then follow with cards.  That can go a long way in keeping games safe for all.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

ref week 9-21

Stretched a little thin right now and most had the same requests during the week with limited weekend availability.
Need a timekeeper for Sunday.  Trade as needed, did the best with what availability was there.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

ref week 9-14

Made a few assumptions.  Need a ref Sunday for 3 games. 
Kim is starting in the office so she may have less availability to time keep.
I have heard people saying lately we do not call enough fouls so maybe try to call more...

Saturday, September 5, 2015

ref week 9-7

Timekeeper shift open on Tuesday.  Please let me know if you can take it.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Ref week 8-31

The weekend may still change so keep looking on line...not sure if Sunday will start that early or not.
Referees, it is always our responsibility to show the teams any cards even for bench penalties...also it is our responsibility to make sure a team understands they are on a penalty...the AR can them assist with the time to go full strength or answer other questions.
Also, we need to do a better job of movement and looking at the AR.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

ref week 8-24

All, John is not reffing anymore so he will not be able to take any shifts.  I do not know if you don't send me availability if you can or cannot work.  Please let me know each week if you can or cannot work and if you can when you can. 
Also, schedule are being made so no guarantees on games...these are based on the past.  Please check schedule
Thank You!