Saturday, January 30, 2016


I can still love my team!!!
Good Luck Broncos
On a more serious note...
We have had a rash of complaints over customers feeling like timekeepers are HIGH when they are working....and I don't mean that in the way that they are not making calls.
What you do in your personal time is your business and your business alone...don't want to know anything about it but when you walk in to Let's Play you are representing Lets Play and you need to uphold a certain professionalism.  If you feel you cannot do this please tell me to take you off of the schedule.
This CANNOT be how our staff is viewed PERIOD!
Again, we do not care what you do in your personal time....but on the clock is another issue.
Open ref shift Saturday night...9:10 for 4 games.
Please send availability...if you do not I will assume you do not want to work or I will schedule you and you will have to find a replacement if you cant make it...


Saturday, January 23, 2016

ref week 1-25

Safe Players = Happy Players = Happy Reffing
Please have all of your stuff out at the field if you need to change in between games etc...
Overall we are still putting out a higher quality product than in the past so keep it up.
Have confidence in yourself.  We are the rulebook experts not the customers but be tactful.
Feel free to talk to the Adults while you are reffing and explain some situational calls if needed, remember, game management is as important as calling by the law of the rulebook.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

ref week 1-18

Safe Players = Happy Players = Happy Reffing
Good job all.  We seem to be doing a fine job right now. 
Keep It up
Next week there are mini field games on Sunday...looks like start time is 12:30 but we might need to adjust the times slightly so keep your eyes peeled.
The following week there will be a lot of mini field games so keep than in mind with Sunday availability.
Appreciate all of you.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


Safe Players = Happy Players = Happy Refs
Meeting Wednesday at 8 pm.  Please come!
Thank you for all you do

Saturday, January 2, 2016

ref week 1-4

Safe players = Happy players = Happy Reffing
Happy New Year!
FUTSAL is HERE.  Notice the split schedule on the weekend.  If you are scheduled  during the split shift and you do not wish to ref Futsal let me know ASAP so we can get it covered.  Assistant Referee shifts will diminish during Futsal as we do not use an AR during Futsal games.
With Futsal here and the new year under way I would like to try and have a ref meeting ASAP.  If possible I would like to have it at Saturday at 6 pm.  Please RSVP so I know if we have enough people that can make the meeting.  I know it is short notice and we can push it out a week if we need to.
Please remember to send availability so I know what you can work. 
We will be taking the referee test again in the office so study up.