Saturday, January 2, 2016

ref week 1-4

Safe players = Happy players = Happy Reffing
Happy New Year!
FUTSAL is HERE.  Notice the split schedule on the weekend.  If you are scheduled  during the split shift and you do not wish to ref Futsal let me know ASAP so we can get it covered.  Assistant Referee shifts will diminish during Futsal as we do not use an AR during Futsal games.
With Futsal here and the new year under way I would like to try and have a ref meeting ASAP.  If possible I would like to have it at Saturday at 6 pm.  Please RSVP so I know if we have enough people that can make the meeting.  I know it is short notice and we can push it out a week if we need to.
Please remember to send availability so I know what you can work. 
We will be taking the referee test again in the office so study up. 

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